
Circular economy and new growth opportunities - Resource
Efficient and Cleaner Production and eco-innovation among
is a regional project implemented under “European Union for
Environment (EU4Environment)”- programme in six Eastern
partner (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine)
Funded by European
Union the
program is implemented by a consortium of international
partners, including OECD, UNIDO, UN
Environment, UNECE and
the World
EU4Environment Actions are clustered around five priority
Greener Decision-Making
Circular Economy and New Growth Opportunities
An Environmental Level Playing Field
Ecosystem Services and Livelihoods
Knowledge Sharing and Coordination
Under Result 2- “Circular Economy and New Growth
Opportunities”, UNIDO is implementing “Resource Efficient &
Cleaner Production among SMEs scaled up” in Georgia and
other EaP countries. Building on important achievements of
former EaP GREEN Programme (2014-2017) in Georgia
in which 50 participating SMEs demonstrated the
effectiveness of UNIDO’s RECP approach resulting in reduced
consumption of resources, energy and water, UNIDO will
continue to promote and build national capacities to enable
SMEs in switching to a Resource Efficient and Cleaner
Production. In addition, UNIDO will identify opportunities
that can support the creation of circular value chains to
raise the opportunities and benefits of a Circular Economy
among enterprises, the government and the civil society.
Project activities:
replicating RECP clubs of enterprises in new
municipalities and regions;
supporting the institutionalization of RECP services;
extending capacity on RECP among experts and
demonstrating it at selected manufacturing enterprises;
assessing waste sources from industrial activities and
identify recycling options (waste to source) where CE
models can be demonstrated introducing tools such as
“waste maps” on a pilot basis.
raising awareness about RECP benefits and sharing
knowledge on how RECP could be implemented in national
Expected outcomes
Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production and eco-innovation
among SMEs scaled up.
Expected outputs
Built national capacity and RECP demonstration in SMEs
(individually & through RECP Clubs);
introduced circular economy principles - supporting
recycling through waste mapping, in particular the RECP
integrated approach will be implemented in Georgian SMEs
RECP Project leaflet, 2021

The UNIDO Resources Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP)
Demonstration Project
The UNIDO Regional Resources Efficient and Cleaner
Production (RECP) Demonstration Project
is a part of the regional program of the European Union EaP
Greening Economies in the European Union’s Eastern
Partnership Countries
(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and
This four years action (2013-2016) is jointly implemented by
a consortium comprising
(lead partner),
UN Environment and
The UNIDO demonstration project supports in each of the six
EaP countries: the creation of human and institutional
capacities for RECP; the demonstration, dissemination and
replication of RECP in priority sectors (chemicals, food and
construction materials); and transfer of and investment in
RECP technologies. Objective of the project is to improve
resource productivity and environmental performance of
enterprises and other organizations in order to put the
green economy into practice.
RECP project brochure, 2014
RECP project leaflet, 2016
To harness the potential for economic, environmental and
social benefits through widespread RECP implementation, the
project supports the mainstreaming and scaling-up of RECP in
the beneficiary countries, through the following three
clusters of activities:
Train a cadre of national experts in RECP methods and
techniques, and develop mechanisms for their service
delivery to enterprises and other organizations:
International Experts delivered trainings for national
experts in RECP methods and techniques, and coached them
in the application of such methods in enterprises and
other organizations;
Support enterprises and other organizations in target
sectors with implementation of RECP methods and
techniques to achieve environmental and economic
detailed RECP assessments have been completed for 18
enterprises in Georgia in subsectors of chemical, agri-food
and construction materials production. Implementation
results, with associated economic and environmental
benefits, have been documented using a standard set of
enterprise level indicators, and have been widely
disseminated. In parallel awareness and understanding
for RECP opportunities and benefits among wider group of
stakeholders, including business sector, national and
local governments, nongovernmental organizations,
academic circles and civil society, are being enhanced.
Support the transfer and deployment of key enabling
technologies/equipment for RECP in the target sectors:
building on the findings at enterprise level, technology
gap analysis has been undertaken in selected companies
and common technology needs identified. Appropriate
technology solutions will be sourced and promoted,
including through development and promotion of business
and investment plans.
RECP demonstration project stakeholders include busyness
companies and other organizations who would like to see
economic and environmental benefits in application of RECP
methodologies. Stakeholders also are governmental
organizations, including ministries of environment and
economy, academia and civil society organizations who
advocate and promote resource efficiency, environmental
protection and sustainable economic development in the
country. To ensure all stakeholders’ participation in the
project a National Executive Committee has been established.
National Focal Pints of the EAP GREEN program representing
the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection
and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of
Georgia are members of the National Executive Committee.
Selected representatives of business sector, Georgian
Technical University, Directors of the Regional
Environmental Center for Caucasus and Energy Efficiency
Center Georgia are also members of the National Executive
Committee. The Committee meets once or twice per year to
monitor, review and provide guidance for the project
Overall management of the RECP Demonstration Component is
the responsibility of UNIDO’s main office (Cleaner and
Sustainable Production Unit) in Vienna. A National
Coordinator has been appointed to provide leadership at the
national level and ensure effective implementation of the
RECP activities on a day-to-day basis through planning,
monitoring and review of project activities, identification
and selection of project partners (including demonstration
companies, etc.) and advocacy and liaison with relevant
national stakeholders in the government and business sectors
and civil society.
List of National RECP experts has
been established who were trained by UNIDO under the RECP
Program in RECP service delivery. The experts have been
utilized for short term assignments, in particular the
execution of plan level RECP assessments in selected
demonstration companies.
The RECP demonstration component is supported by the Energy
Efficiency Center Georgia which is responsible for the
organizational, logistic and administrative arrangements for
smooth running of the day-to-day activities of the program,
including e.g. organization of training's and events,
delivery of demonstration projects, preparation of
publications, etc.
These organization arrangements are illustrated below.

National Executive committee members
Nino Lazashvili, Sustainable Development Division,
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development;
Nino Tkhilava, EaP Green Program Focal Point in Georgia,
Head of Environmental Policy and International Relations
Department, Ministry of Environment and Natural
Resources Protection;
Shalva Andguladze, Doctor of Technical Science, Full
Professor, Georgian Technical University;
George Abulashvili, Director, Georgian Energy Efficiency
Sophiko Akhobadze, Director, Regional Environmental
Center (REC) Caucasus;
Irma Daushvili, Director, LTD Dio;
Mikheil Kordzakhia, Vice President, Georgian Employers
Jimsher Kerkadze, Doctor of Technical Science, Full
Professor, Georgian Technical University.