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CDM as instrument for industrial development and poverty alleviation in Caucasus

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol that will enable projects in emerging economies that lead to a reduction of greenhouse gases, to get an extra revenue stream.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsors a program that will be implemented by two Norwegian organizations: Norsk Energi  and ECON  and the Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia.

This is a four phase program and it will include the following elements:

  1. Capacity Building: Conducting a capacity building program on CDM; identification of long-list of potential projects and prioritizing short-list;

  2. PIN - Project Idea Note development: Preperation of PINs for the projects on the short-list. Present the PINs to potential investors and financial institutions;

  3. PDD – Project Design Document.  Preparation of PDDs for the selected projects;    

  4. CDM Project Implementation

First Phase - The Capacity Building Programme on CDM
Project duration October-December, 2006. Completed.

Second Phase

The last workshop took place in Tbilisi, Thursday March 27th, 2008.

The goal of this program is:
To bring the public and private industry sectors in Caucasus’ into a  position to become active participants in the carbon market and benefit from the mechanisms established under the Kyoto Protocol

  • Contribute to global reduction of GHG

  •  Improve local environment and support sustainable development

  • Use energy more efficiently and increase use of renewable sources

  • Promote long-term growth

  • Support poverty alleviation through economic activity and employment generation.


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