Mr. George Abulashvili - Director of EEC. Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Mining Mechanics of Georgian Academy of Sciences. He was trainee of the Energy Charter Secretariat in Brussels. Main areas of activity - energy efficiency and related environmental aspects, analyses and recommendations on energy efficiency and renewable energy policies and regulations. Since 1996 participant and initiator of local and international projects and actions.
PhD. Manana Dadiani - Acting Director of EEC and country coordinator of "OPET Caucasus", leading specialist researcher of Georgian Scientific-Research Institute of Power Engineering. Main areas of activities are energy efficiency, renewable energy. Long-term practical and scientific experience on small hydro development in Georgia, author of 9 scientific works. Since 1998 she participated in several international projects.
Ms. Liana Garibashvili - Head of Analytical-Informational Department of EEC Georgia, civil engineer, Georgian Technical University graduate, participant of several management-training programmes sponsored by the British Government, USAID and other international institutions, has many years engineering experience combined with managerial work. For several years she has worked as Country Representative for International Executive Service Corps in Georgia. Since 1997 is working in NGO sector and worked on the development and implementation of many international projects, including USAID funded Strengthening Regional Energy Linkages Project, is representative of British company Thermatech Timber Structures in the Caucasus.
Mr. Tengiz Ivanidze - Energy Statistics / Information Technology Specialist, has many years working experience of participation in international projects in the energy field.
Ms. Elene Gvilava – Georgian Technical University graduated, completed the full Bachelor and Masters courses of Chemical and Biological Engineering Faculty; majoring in Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources.
Since 2005 she is involved in non-governmental sector for the implementation of various environmental projects. Since 2009 she is working for Energy Efficiency Centre in the field of energy efficiency and climate change policy. |
Mr. Konstantine Barjadze – Graduated the Power Engineering and Telecommunication faculty of the Technical University of Georgia, an academic Degree of Bachelor with Major in Engineering Sciences. Working in EEC since 2010.
Main tasks: Preparation of energy audits, photo and audio-video materials, preparation of weekly newsletter. |
Ms. Ketevan Mirianashvili - Office Administrator, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia, Humanitarian-Technical Faculty graduate, Successfully accomplished - Short-term Management Training Course and Office Management/ Administration, with Certificate. More than 13 years of experience in providing office support and secretarial/administrative assistance to non-governmental organizations (NGO) and the EU funded projects. Out of which 9 have been gained working in the field of event management. |
Ms. Shorena Labadze - Graduated the faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of Tbilisi State University of Ivane Javakhishvili.
Successfully accomplished ACCA certification program of Institute of Professional Accountants.
Since 2018 working in EEC as an administrative-financial assistant. |
Dr. Prof. Teimuraz Gochitashvili - Long-term practical and scientific experience in energy policy and engineering, more than 150 scientific works and inventions. Expert of Georgian Parliament and Government, long-term collaborative experience with western specialists and consultants. From 1992 has participated in more then 20 international energy projects. Elected member of International Academy of Mineral Resources and Georgian Engineering Academy, member of International Association of Energy Economists. |
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