Energy For TB Victims
Preparatory Period
For the effective realization of the project main goal - "contribution to the creation of better living conditions in TB treatment center for the most vulnerable patients-children through the diminution of energy poverty and ensure elementary sanitation conditions through the permanent and sustainable access to the hot water and emergency lighting supply through the introduction of renewable energy source", upon signing the contribution agreement the project detailed working plan was developed by the Energy Efficiency Centre management, the project staff was selected and responsibilities distributed.
The Project concept was presented to the Hospital administration.
Project Design
Based on the detailed observation of the two story building of the children's department of the TB Institute of Phthisiatry and Pulmanology and consultation with senior medical staff the required space for PV and hot-water panels was identified and the location for emergency lighters were determined, schemes were elaborated and the tender announcement for the equipment supply was placed in the newspaper "24 Hours" (October
14, 2003) and EEC web page. The deadline for the expression of interest was defined as 31 of October 2003.
Eight companies expressed interest in participation in the tender but after studying the tender information only three of them: NGO "SUN and EARTH", NGO "GREEN EARTH" and Ltd. "SPETSHELIOMONJI" decided to continue bidding.
The Commission identified NGO "Sun and Earth" as the winner with appropriate experience, good technical specification of the offered equipment, one-year warranty. Representative of "Sun and Earth" was invited for contract negotiation and on the 10th of November the contract was signed. On Site Works
Assembling of PV micro power station started within a week from the date of contract signature. PV micro power station containes localy assembled monocristal sillisium PV pannels 100wt instoled capacity (life time-20 years); accummulator battaries (life time - 7 years); controller, harger and in addition 10 ligthing poits and independent cabling for emergensy lighting of the building. Instalation work was succsessfully finished within one week and 10 days tooling and testing period started. The principles of PV system
fuctioning is following: Electic power generated by PV cells controller directing to the battaries; Controller regulates charging and discharging prosses and prioritization of power source (in case of continuous cloudy days the system accumulators are charged from the regular electricity system, also the automatization of swiching on and off of the emergency lighting is warranted in case of electricity cut and in dark period of the day-the night time.

In spite of the significant dellay of the solar water heaters import caused by the Novebmer events in Georgia and miscoordination of Tbilisi and Batumi political centers the piping works were started. 350 litre stainless steel tank was installed in the attic of the building, the pumps, valves and high-speed efficient heat exchanger (10 kW) fitted into the system. Finally 4 hot water collectors with total surface area 7 m2 were delivered and installed. For maximal efficiency of hot water collectors in wintertime they are installed with 50o angel. To achieve year round effective operation of hot-water system it is double circuit: 1st circuit contains panels, expanding tank, pump,
 valves and primary side of heat exchanger filled with antifreeze liquid. 2nd circuit of the system contains: secondary side of heat exchanger, pump, valve, hot water reservoir and supply pipes. All outdoor pipes, fittings and hot water reservoir are thermally insulated. Automatic controlling system guarantees switching on and off of the pumps when deviation of temperature between the liquids in the 1st and 2nd circuits is higher then 10oC, also protecting the system to work in so cold "negative" regime when due to the low air temperature (10oC below 0) and heat exchanger takes heat from utility water and heats antifreeze liquid.
In addition to the solar installation 10 compact luminescent lamps were installed in the halls of the building.
Although both PV and solar hot-water collector systems are fully automatically controlled the technical staff of the TB center participated into the installation process, minor operational and maintenance skills are essential for its operations. Special simplified manual was elaborated and passed on to the TB centre staff and a person was instructed for cleaning and maintenance of PV and hot-water collectors.
Information Dissemination
The information about the project development was disseminated trough the EEC weekly electronic newsletter. Leaflet introducing project details, its social and economic benefits has been prepared and will be distributed among the round table participants and healthcare organizations.
The annual theoretical savings on electricity bill will amounts to 430 USD and also each shower capacity will be increased by 90 litres.