Introduction of Solar
Thermal System in SOS Tbilisi Children’s Village
On January-June 2012 Union “Energy Efficiency Center
Georgia” with partnership and financial support of BP
Georgia and its partners has been implemented the project
“Introduction of Solar Thermal System in SOS Tbilisi
Children’s Village”.
The main aim of the project was:
To demonstrate of clean energy solutions
application in in SOS Tbilisi Children’s Village in order to
meet its energy demand resulting energy bill and emissions’
In order to achieve mentioned aim was
installed 16 (sixteen) individual each 300 L capacity
pressurized split solar thermal system at SOS Tbilisi
Village in June, 2012 decreasing the consumption of natural
gas used for hot water supply for showers and kitchens,
improving life conditions about 90 persons.
The physical implementation of the
installation of solar thermal systems started on May, 2012
and continued till June, 2012. The installation works
included: installation of 16 (sixteen) individual each 300 L
capacity pressurized split solar thermal system consisting
of 70 mm diameter super vacuum tubes, double-loop 300 L
water tank and electric heating elements, electronic
controllers to meter thermal energy output.
In parallel with the site works Operation
& Maintenance Guidelines for installed solar thermal system
for local staff were developed. The guidelines were
delivered upon completion of the installation works, testing
of the equipment and relevant training in O&M of solar
thermal systems. The relevant training to the technical
staff was provided by the sub-contractor “Caucasus-Solar”
The training in the operation of the
solar water heaters for the end users-educators (mothers) of
Tbilisi SOS children village was conducted by the EEC
Georgia and sub-contractor. The main aim of training was to
familiarize the end-users in every building with operation
of solar thermal systems. The training was conducted in
questions and answers format.
In addition for children residing in
Tbilisi SOS Children’s Village the representative of EEC
Georgia conducted training. The main aim of the training was
the introducing of solar energy and the applications
(technologies) related to the solar energy, benefits and
priorities of using of mentioned technologies. Also on the
training was discussed the environmental issues such as
climate change and other renewable energy sources. For
better understanding after multimedia presentation were
showed short movies and cartoons on solar energy, climate
change and water saving issues. For visual comprehension of
presented material for children was prepared multimedia
presentation and was delivered handout and various materials
(brochures, leaflets) as well.
In June, 2012 at Tbilisi SOS village was
organized commissioned event of solar thermal system. The
event were attended representatives of Association “Georgia
SOS Children Village”, children and its educators (mothers),
the Deputy of Social Service Agency of the Ministry of Labor
and Health and Social Affairs of Georgia; representatives of
BP Georgia and its partner and other stakeholders. The
commissioned event was coincided and dedicated to the
Sustainable Energy Week initiated by European commission.
In order to monitor achieved savings in
energy consumption the checklist for registration and
calculation of ongoing outflow of electricity & natural gas
has been prepared. The checklist enables to compare NG and
electricity consumption after installation of solar thermal
systems. The metering data is monitored on a monthly basis.
At present the monitoring data contains the period from
July, 2012 through November, 2012 including natural gas,
electricity and water consumption. The comparative analysis
regarding the same period of the previous year show that
(Table 1) both natural gas and electricity consumption has
been reduced. It is also notable that in addition the
introduction of the solar thermal systems resulted in water
consumption reduction. In the below table the archived
savings in energy consumption, bill saved and emission
reduction for the period July-November 2012 are given.
Savings for period |
Bill saved GEL |
Reduced CO2 |
Natural gas, m3 |
14,130 |
10,598 |
26,847 |
Electricity, kWh |
1,245 |
199 |
497 |
Water, m3 |
991 |
4,360 |
15,157 |
27,344 |
Updated: February 6, 2013