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MVV Consultants & Engineers GmbH, Germany, in consortium with Tebodin Consultants & Engineers, Netherlands, and ADEME, National Agency for the Environment and Energy Resources of France and East-West Energy Agency Moscow have been jointly implementing throughout the year a project aimed at the introduction of Kyoto flexibility mechanisms in Central & Eastern European and CIS countries. The project has been implemented in close co-operation with a number of local organizations in 11 EU Accession States and CIS countries. The project was supported by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, DG TREN, within the framework of the Synergy Programme for International Energy Policy Co-operation.

The aims of the Eastern Climate Change network Project are to: 
- Increase energy supply security in the countries involved by improving the energy efficiency; 
- Contribute to the implementation of the UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol in the participating countries; 
- Assist companies willing to implement investment projects in CEE and CIS countries with the support of the AIJ/JI flexibility mechanism; 
 - Establish the Eastern Climate Change Network on the basis of existing local Energy Centres and Agencies; 
-Encourage the Eastern Climate Change Network members’ position in the fast growing market created by the Kyoto Protocol’s flexibility mechanisms: Joint Implementation (JI), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), International Emissions Trading (IET); - Create and prepare a database of priority projects aimed at climate gas emission abatements in CEE and CIS countries; 
- Transfer of know-how, information exchange and training to ensure the necessary local capacity building
- Disseminate and promote formats and procedures for climate gas abatement certificates; 
- Develop targeted twinning within the Network and with possible investors. 
EEC Georgia has been a part of the ECCN project actively participating in all the meetings and activities. Further to the training workshop, which took place in April 2002 in Moscow, from October 30-th to November 1,2002 a three day conference was organized in Bonn. The event was attended by all the consortium members & internation

As a result of the project activities: 
- A common visual identity of the ECCN members has been created;
- The database of the priority projects aimed at emission reductions in CEE & CIS countries has been elaborated and prepared. More than 150 PINs for emission reduction projects have been collected; 
- A valuable tool for policy makers and economic experts for the assessment of investment projects in CEE & CIS countries has been provide; 
- Information exchange and training to ensure the necessy capacity building has been provided; 
- The workshops, meetings, local publications, informational bulletins in order to invite interested organizations in their have been organized and prepared. 

The ECCN web-site is: http://www.eclimnet.com 

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