Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production project in Georgia

EN ქარ

Benefits of RECP
Enterprises and other organizations that adopt RECP “do more with less”; they increase the efficiency with which they use materials and energy, they improve their productivity and thus their competitiveness. At the same time, through greater efficiency, enterprises reduce the amount of pollution and waste they generate, thus lowering their impact on the environment, including their carbon footprint. As waste and emissions reduce, and hazardous substances are eliminated, the risks of industrial operations to workers, communities and consumers reduce. Briefly saying, businesses and other organizations that implement RECP methods, practices and technologies are gaining triple benefit:
Enhancing the efficient use of natural resources including water, energy and materials;
Minimization of the impact on environment and nature, by preventing the generation of waste and emissions including those discharged to water, air or on land;
Minimization of risks to people and communities from the use of chemicals and safe disposal of chemicals used in industry.
Such benefits have now been demonstrated in thousands of companies of different sizes and sectors all around the world. For instance, RECP assessments undertaken in the Georgian demonstration companies revealed a considerable potential for improving the materials and energy use efficiency, environment and economic performance in the companies. The RECP assessment teams involving the national experts, management and technical staff of the demonstration companies (18 companies) identified opportunities to save totally about 12 GWh energy and 10 532 m3 water annually, through the implementation of RECP measures. This would save altogether about 0.75 mln Euros to the companies. Total cost of the RECP measures in all demonstration companies was estimated to 0.7 mln Euros with average payback period less than one year.
In addition, companies that apply RECP methodologies will benefit from improved environmental compliance, improved environmental image and relationships with their customers and stakeholders.






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